Monday, September 19, 2011

Time to read, time to learn, time to play.

Hi guys,

I know it's been a long time, trust me I did not forget about my avid readers!!! Grad School should have a disclaimer:

     "You will not have enough time to read. You will not have enough time to sleep. You will not have enough time to read and sleep. You will not have enough time to read and sleep and make friends and eat and do your homework assignments and have a job. You will not have enough time." 

For reals.
We last left off at my height of my I-think-I-can success; and I'm still here! Classes are going great, I'm making friends left and right, and I can understand more people more frequently every day. I know I made the right choice in coming here.

     Learning how to be an effective teacher at Gallaudet University includes learning about how much the education community is changing in order to accommodate failing students, a failing academic system, the ever broadening diversity of America's students, and how to teach Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing children in a bilingual setting. At first it is overwhelming to think about all of these things at once. But after you deconstruct and focus down on each theory and questions one by one, it is actually very inspiring to know that I, Shauna Segler, am a part of this great movement of education reform, teacher training, and classroom management.

    This past weekend was so stressful, I had to call out of work just to keep up with my homework. Don't tell anyone. That tells me it is definitely time to look at employment opportunities on campus. Currently, I work retail off campus via a metro route that takes me anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour and a half depending upon the ridiculousness... er, functionality of the DC Metro. The weekends here underground are a hot mess. My department coordinator has been email blasting us with information about tutoring jobs on campus, that sounds like fun! Great experience to help me become a teacher and the best part is I won't have to use the metro and I'll get to use ASL.

     Soooooooo...... you may have noticed my ad, yes the bright yellow box with my cheesy smile... you will see a humble request for financial assistance. Lemme break it down:

Remember in the first week when I discovered "International Development" and sparked an interest in Deaf Education across the globe? Well I found my first opportunity to experience, train, learn, and meet Deaf students, business owners, agrarian folks, etc. in India!!! I am so excited about this I can barely stay seated in my chair while I type this. The trip is two weeks, long enough to gain some exposure but not long enough to be concerned about missing anything from the states. December 29-Jan 13 I will be in India traveling through seven different cities. The cost is reasonable, $3,000 covers the roundtrip flights, ground transportation, daily morning meals, domestic flights, and lodging. Please help support my trip if you can, every dollar counts. You can go to to submit your donation. Or see their facebook page here.

    In between books on Saturday night, friends arranged a sushi dinner off campus. At first I didn't want to go because I had so much to do! But I am glad I went because it gave me a chance to get off campus, breathe, chat with friends, and refresh myself to nosedive right back into my books the next day. We had so much fun with sushi, tater tots, spicy sauce, tempura rolls... I ordered a roll called 3,000 Leagues with tempura octopus and cucumber. It was distgusting. But at least I tried it!

Well off to the books I go. Time to read and finish my assignment before my afternoon classes. I am so grateful for this blog. You are the canvas of my mind and my readers are the fuel to my flame. Thanks for keeping me going. 

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