Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teachers College, Columbia: Check Next up: Gallaudet!

Now that my big fat envelope of application materials for Teachers College has been delivered and paid, I can focus on the separate but equally intense application process for Gallaudet.
Transcripts have been delivered.
Letters of Recommendation have been so appreciatively received and ready for print.
The Personal Statement from TC needs some tweaking to morph into my Goals Statement for Gallaudet.
And the good old application fee.

.....and the video submission of my Goals Statement in ASL. (cue shrieking Hitchcock music)

I can do it. I just have to manage my time the right way. Efficiently. Like Dad always says, "Right time. Right Reason." --see Dad? I DO listen--

Happening in RealTime:
Advanced ASL II begins this week, every Wednesday until the end of March.
A Workshop in late January, ASL Studies for Professionals.
Hopefully an ASL Intensive Study beginning in early March.

Now that my To Do list has be rehashed, let's discuss where ASL and Deaf Studies are in my life as we know it.
I keep 'meaning to' attend these Level 4+ study sessions. My first thought when I see the remind on my iPhone is, "I'm really tired and hungry, I'll go next time."
Wrong reply, Shauna.
I also have been (slowly) developing a work-related presentation for a Deaf high school in Long Island. Confidential stuff.
But I'm not mingling like I need to be. Nor reading any Deaf studies literature. I follow several ASL/Deaf cultural blogs and tweets. That is helpful. I'm getting a larger demographic of perspectives. There is a tweeter who blogs about the Deaf experience in Japan, and a few others from Europe. I'm not stuck in NYC for opinions and stories.

The closer I am to wrapping up applications, leads to the close I am to becoming accepted. Which leads even closer to the time when I enroll. Which may lead to me inevitably moving.
This leads to acute anxiety attacks, fears of change, worries of aloneness, and thoughts of uncertainty.

Is this really what I want to do?

I'm sure I'm just getting wet feet. Butterflies in my stomach. Stressed out. Lack of caffeine.

But we can't just sit here afraid of the future, right? So even if it is unknown water, and unknown depths;
close your eyes
hold your nose

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