Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Journal

Wrapping up my research project on Deaf LGBT teens in America, I am inspired to create a full length documentary about the experience of a Queer Deaf teens. It would be great to have video interviews with people across the country, compare the data with government rights, state protections, job opportunities, college success rate, etc.

If I'm not accepted to the program, I just might work on this video project freelance. It would be interesting to see what people have to say.  That would also be good work to submit for grad school, especially to Columbia or Gallaudet.

I am feeling more comfortable about my skills for the presentation. I practiced with Jeremy, my Deaf friend, and reviewed John's feedback with him. My Keynote is complete, awesome! And so is the paper...well, almost. I've been working on my sentence structure in ASL, and trying to be less englishy. I am learning this is a skill that must be worked on persistently; it doesn't come over night.

Also, I was recommended to tape myself signing and then review my performance. And a glass of wine won't hurt prior to performance.

Just like dance.

I am looking forward to the rest of the program. If not, then I need to find classes like this. ASL language classes will benefit me, but I need the meat and potatoes of the community as well.

Wish me luck!

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